What’s up Brey family!!
I hope all is well and you guys are
just having a blast this summer! haha Its winter here and since I am so high up
its really cool! But It’s awesome! This
was the last week of the change so we were really busy with doing all the stuff
to get changes ready! But I had some
great experiences this week! I will share them with you.
On Sunday we had a great sacrament
meeting and then we went and ate a great meal at our pensions house! After that
since weve had no time this week we just went and started
packing and moving
the house again. I was soo tired! But
Elder Corredor ( the other assistant, and a great friend of mine) asked me to
go to a lesson with him. It was such a sick lesson! It was Elder Corredor´s
last lesson so it was just way cool to be there. Anyway he taught this lesson
to these less active members. He taught using Matthew 14:23- 33. It’s about
when Jesus gets done feeding the thousands of people with bread. Anyway Jesus
goes to pray to our Heavenly Father and the apostles get ready to leave on
their boat. The winds start going way crazy and they are all scared. So then
they see this figure walking towards them on the water! What how is that
possible? Well its Jesus Christ... He is the Son of God! Then Peter asks him..
Hey bro if it’s really you then let me walk on the water too. So Peter starts
walking on the water with the Savior. Then the wind starts to pick up and Peter
starts to lose his faith and he starts to sink. Now is the important part that
we focused on in our lesson. Verse 31 it says... And immediately Jesus
stretched forth his hand and caught him. I love that part so much! Sometimes we
lose our faith and we think that the Savior isn’t putting forth his hand. But
the hand is always there. That is the first thing he did. He didn’t let Peter
struggle but he reached out his hand! We just need to have faith and grab on to
the hand. Like praying, reading our scriptures and going to church.
Elder Brey
I am having a lot of fun here in the
office! All the missionaries I am with are wayy cool and we always just laugh!
haha Its a blast! Well can’t wait to hear from you guys next week! I love you
guys! I miss you guys! Know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ LIVE!! They
are here to help us!
Much love,
Elder Brey